Mint Germany Stamps to 1933
Offering extensive mint Classic German stamps from empire through the Weimar Republic issues. Many complete sets of Germania, Inflation and currency reform stamps.
We now have an extensive selection of mint and used semi-official and private airmail stamps from 1912 to 1930 that delineate this early period of flight. Click on the photo and scroll down to see these wonderful, century-old stamps.
GE 1913 Semi-Official Airmail, MI. 10
Price: $450.00
VF used. Sept. 10-13, 1913 25 pf. red Semi-Official airmail for flights from Feldburg to Muhlausen. Showing a monoplane and rising sun. With special cancel for the flight.
GE 1913 Semi-Official Zeppelin Airmail, MI. 11
Price: $495.00
VF used. Nov. 5 1913, red-brown on yellow paper, Semi-Official zeppelin airmail for flights in Saxony. Showing a zeppelin flying over Legniz. With special cancel for the flight dated Nov. 6, 1913. With Simon, BPP photo certificate
GE 1924-25 Semi-Official Glider Airmail Set, MI. 13a-14e
Price: $300.00
FVF NH. 1924-25, Semi-Official airmail for special glider flights at Buchel Mountain, Pforzheim. Official German airmail stamps overprinted 10 Pfg. segel-fluge, Pforzheim. Set of 12.
GE 1925 Semi-Official Airmail, MI. 15-16 Easter Flights
Price: $185.00
VF NH. April 12, 1925 10-and 20-pf. se tenant pair Semi-Official airmail for Easter flights. Showing airplanes over towers of Regensburg Cathedral.
GE 1925 Semi-Official Airmail, MI. 15-16 Easter Flights
Price: $75.00
VF LH. April 12, 1925 10-and 20-pf. pair, Semi-Official airmail for Easter flights. Showing airplanes over towers of Regensburg Cathedral. Signed twice, including, "Breitl."
GE 1930 Semi-Official Airmail Set Inverted Overprint, MI. 17a-b "K"
Price: $175.00
VF NH. Nov. July 22, 1928 Semi-Official airmail first "Glider Post" flight. Overprintedrinted on first official german airmailstamps Overprint reads; "First Glider flight from the Snow Top in Riesengebirge, 21 and 22 July 1928. Overprint inverted.
GE 1930 Semi-Official Airmail Set, MI. 18-19a
Price: $40.00
FVF NH. June 22, 1930, Semi-Official airmail for special flight event in Regensburg. Light and dark brown.
GE 1930 Semi-Official Airmail Set, MI. 18-19b
Price: $42.50
FVF NH. June 22, 1930, Semi-Official airmail for special flight event in Regensburg. Green and Brown.
GE 1925 Semi-Official Airmail, MI. IIa-c Frankfurt Spring Flight
Price: $27.50
FVF NH. Spring 1925, 10-100 pf. set of official German airmail stamps overprinted for scheduled glider flights. Stamps were not used. Inscribed "Glideri/in/Riesen and/Isergebirge."
1912 Germany #80 canceled aboard the airship "Schwaben."
Price: $100.00
VF used. June 1912, 2pf. Germania canceled aboard the Zeppelin Schwaben (LZ10). Circular dated cancel reads; "An Bord des Zeppelin Schwaben." Seiger #2d.
"Not In The Rhineland," Set
Price: $19.95
1923 Stamp Set issued to protest the stationing of Allied troops in the Ruhr and Rhineland to enforce WW I reparations.
With thesuper-inflation of 1922, Germany was unable to meet Allied demands for reparations.
This set reads, "Rheinland und Ruhrgebiet in Not!" It shows 10 scenes and cities in theoccupied area. Note: Stamps printed in rotating colors,
colors of individual stamps will vary. Complete Set
German Republic First Official Stamp Set, O1-13
Price: $29.95
VF NH, 1920-21 German Republic First Official Stamp Set.
German Republic First Official Stamp Set, O1-13
Price: $6.50
VF LH, 1920-21 German Republic First Official Stamp Set.
Five pfennig to five marks, watermark diamonds.
Württember O59-63, O176-183 O/P Deutsches Reich
Price: $99.50
VF NH, 1920 Complete set of Württemberg Official stamps,
O59-63, O176-183
overprinted, "Deutsches Reich" for use
throughout Germany. Set coincides with the annexation of Württemberg into the
German Federation following WW I.
O22-28, 1923 Official "Dienstmarke" Overprint Stamps
Price: $3.95
VF NH, 1923 Germany stamps overprinted "Dienstmarke," 20-500 marks.
O22-28, 1923 Official "Dienstmarke" Overprint Stamps
Price: $1.50
VF LH, 1923 Germany stamps overprinted "Dienstmarke," 20-500 marks.
O29-39, 1923 Overprinted Official Stamps
Price: $4.95
VF NH, 1923 Previous Official Stamps Overprinted "Dienstmarke," 5,000 to five million marks.
O29-39, 1923 Overprinted Official Stamps
Price: $2.95
VF LH, 1923 Previous Official Stamps Overprinted "Dienstmarke,"
5,000 to five million marks.
GE O40-46 1923 Hyper Inflation Official Overprints
Price: $7.95
FVF LH. 1923 Hyper Inflation Official Overprint Set. Denominations range from 100 million to
50 billion marks. <br>
GE O53-61 1924 Official Set
Price: $13.50
VF LH. 1924 Official Set. Dienstmarke overprinted on Eagle Regular Issue.
O62-79 Germany 1927-33 Official Stamp Set
Price: $165.00
VF NH Germany 1927-1933 Official Numeral Stamp Set, O62-79.
18-stamp set.
O62-79 Germany 1927 Official Stamp Set
Price: $45.00
VF LH Germany 1927-1933 Official Numeral Stamp Set, O62-79.
GE OL1-8 Official Prussian Stamps
Price: $8.50
VF NH, 1903 Local Official Set for use in Prussia. 2 to 50 pf, 8 stamps
OL 9-15 1920 Official Stamps For Use in Prussia
Price: $29.95
VF NH, 1920 Five pfennig through one mark numerals notated "21" for Prussia
OL 9-15 1920 Official Stamps For Use in Prussia
Price: $7.95
VF LH. 1920 set of seven stamps similar to German federal issues, but with
the numeral 21 in upper corners.
GE 1912 Semi-Official Airmail, Gelber Hund. MI. IV PPC
Price: $200.00
FVF used. 1912 One mark and "Gelber Hund" overprinted on the 10 pf. dark red-orange Semi-Official airmail for flights from Darmstadt to Frankfurt. Showing a stylized dove with a letter. Inscribed "First German Airmail" The stamp has a cancel from the flight. One-mark Gelber Hund stamp on special postcard printed fro the flight, along with Germania 5pf regular postage.