U.S. Stamps Mint, 800-2051: 1937-1983
1981 US Commemorative Stamp Year Set; 1874-89, 1910-1945
Price: $19.50
VF NH 1981 Commemorative Year Set: 52 Stamps, Includes
all se-tenant blocks and wildlife booklet pane 1889a.
1890-96 Flag and America the Beautiful Stamps
Price: $2.75
1981 Flag and America the Beautiful Stamp issue showing plains, seashore and mountains, plus the Flag over Supreme court group of three
US 1897-1908 First Transportation Coil Stamps
Price: $3.50
1981-4 Transportation Coil Set of 14. One cent stagecoach to 20-cent fire pumper. For pairs order two sets.
US 1909 $9.35 Express Mail Eagle and Moon
Price: $17.50
VF NH 1983 $9.35 Express Mail Eagle and Moon
US 1921-4 Wildlife Preservation
Price: $1.35
VF NH Wildlife Preservation Se-tenant block of 4. Animals/Birds
1982 US Commemorative Stamp Year Set 1949-2030
Price: $30.95
VF NH 1982 Commemorative Year Set: 82 Stamps, Includes all setenant blocks, Birds and Flowers Sheet and Bighorn Sheep booklet single
1982 US Commemorative Stamp Year Set; 1949-52, 2003-2030
Price: $12.20
VF NH 1982 Commemorative Year Short Set: 32 Stamps, Includes all setenant blocks, and Bighorn Sheep booklet single (no Birds and Flowers Sheet)
US 1953-02, 1982 Birds and Flowers Line Perforation
Price: $19.95
SALE! 1982 VF NH Birds and Flowers setenant sheet. Perf. 10.5 x 11.25, Line perforation. Note: this sheet was issued with dry, invisible gum.
US 1953-02Ac, 1982 Birds and Flowers Comb Perforation
Price: $22.50
1982 VF NH Birds and Flowers setenant sheet. Perforation 11.25 x11 variety, bullseye perforation. Note: this sheet was issued with dry, invisible gum.
1983 US Commemorative Stamp Year Set; 2031-65
Price: $12.80
VF NH 1983 Commemorative Year Set: 35 Stamps, Includes all setenant blocks
US 2122 $10.75 Express Mail Eagle and Moon
Price: $17.50
VF NH 1985 $10.75 Express Mail Eagle and Moon
US 2123-36 Transportation Coils
Price: $3.95
VF NH 1985-7 Transportation Coil Set. Pairs available, order two sets.
US 2149-50 Regular Issue Pair
Price: $0.70
1985 18-cent Washington and monument coil, 21.1 "envelopes" stamp coil. For pairs order two.<br>
US 2149-50 Bureau Precancelled Pair
Price: $0.70
1985 18-cent Washington and monument coil, 21.1 "envelopes" stamp coil. For pairs order two.
US 839-51, 1938 Presidential Coil Line Pairs
Price: $89.50
FVF NH. 1938 Presidential coil joint line pairs set: 13 pairs.
US 1030-53, 1954 Liberty Issue Set
Price: $35.00
VF LH. 1954 Liberty Set, complete 1/2-cent through $5. 26 Stamps.