Nazi Party-Nsdap Dues, Revenue Stamps
See the most comprehensive selection of Third Reich Nazi Party Dues and Revenue stamps available online.
Nazi Party Dues 1944 "NSDAP" 20.30 Marks
Price: $12.95
VF NH. Scarce Nazi Party dues stamp paying for one month membership. Overprinted "1944." Nazi Party Eagle, Swastika symbol and wording, including "NSDAP". <br>
Nazi Party Dues Stamp 2.40 Marks
Price: $4.95
Sale! VF NH. Nazi Party dues stamp for three months membership. Embossed Nazi Party Eagle, Swastika symbol and wording, including "NSDAP". Block of four available for $17.50. Select this item then convert to block.
Nazi Party Dues Stamp 1943 2.40RM 1944 Ovpt.
Price: $19.95
"VF NH. Nazi Party dues stamp for three months membership. Embossed Nazi Party Eagle, Swastika symbol and wording, including "NSDAP." Overprinted "1944"
Nazi Party Dues "NSDAP" 3.90 Reich Marks
Price: $9.95
VF NH. Nazi Party dues stamp paying for one-quarter year membership. Nazi Party Eagle, Swastika symbol and wording, including "NSDAP". Lines across stamp are from the watermark. Not all examples show this.
Block of 4 available, order 4.
Nazi Party Dues "NSDAP" 3.90 Reich Marks used
Price: $9.95
VF used. Nazi Party dues stamp paying for one-quarter year membership. Nazi Party Eagle, Swastika symbol and wording, including "NSDAP".
Nazi Party Dues Stamp 1943 3.90RM
Price: $14.95
"VF offset on gum. Nazi Party dues stamp for three months membership. Embossed Nazi Party Eagle, Swastika symbol
and wording, including "NSDAP." Overprinted "1943"
Nazi Party Dues Stamp 1939 5.40RM
Price: $9.95
VF NH. Nazi Party dues stamp for three months membership. Embossed Nazi Party Eagle, Swastika symbol and wording, including "NSDAP." Block of 4 available.
Block of 4 available, order 4.
Nazi Party Dues Stamp 1943 5.40RM
Price: $9.95
"VF no gum. Nazi Party dues stamp for three months membership. Embossed Nazi Party Eagle, Swastika symbol and wording, including "NSDAP." Overprinted "1943"
Nazi Party Dues Stamp 1944 5.40RM
Price: $9.95
"VF NH. Nazi Party dues stamp for three months membership. Embossed Nazi Party Eagle, Swastika symbol and wording, including "NSDAP." Overprinted "1944"
Nazi Party Dues "NSDAP" 6.90 Reich Marks
Price: $9.95
FVF never hinged. Nazi Party dues stamp paying for one-quarter year membership. Nazi Party Eagle, Swastika symbol and wording, including "NSDAP".
Block of four available, order four.
Nazi Party Dues Stamp 1944 6.90RM
Price: $12.95
VF NH. Nazi Party dues stamp for three months membership. Embossed Nazi Party Eagle, Swastika symbol and wording, including "NSDAP." Overprinted "1944" Very fresh!
Nazi Party Dues Stamp 1944 9.90RM
Price: $12.95
VF NH. Nazi Party dues stamp for three months membership. Embossed Nazi Party Eagle, Swastika symbol and wording, including "NSDAP." Overprinted "1944"
Block of four Available, order four.
Nazi Party Dues Stamp 1939 12.90RM
Price: $14.95
VF NH. Nazi Party dues stamp for three months membership. Embossed Nazi Party Eagle,
Swastika symbol and wording, including "NSDAP."
Nazi Party Dues Stamp 1944 12.90RM
Price: $12.95
VF NH. Nazi Party dues stamp for three months membership. Embossed Nazi Party Eagle, Swastika symbol and wording, including "NSDAP." Overprinted "1944"
Block of four Available, order four.
Nazi Party Dues Stamp 1939 15.90RM
Price: $14.95
VF NH. Nazi Party dues stamp for three months membership. Embossed Nazi Party Eagle, Swastika symbol and wording, including "NSDAP."
Block of four Available, order four.
Nazi Party Dues Stamp 1944 15.90RM
Price: $14.95
FVF NH. Nazi Party dues stamp for three months membership. Embossed Nazi Party Eagle, Swastika symbol and wording, including "NSDAP." Overprinted "1944"
Nazi Party Dues Stamp 1944 15.90RM Variety
Price: $25.00
VF NH. Nazi Party dues stamp for three months membership. Embossed Nazi Party Eagle, Swastika symbol and wording, including "NSDAP." Overprinted with the large font "1944"
Nazi Party Dues Stamp 1939 18.90RM
Price: $19.95
VF NH. Nazi Party dues stamp for three months membership. Embossed Nazi Party Eagle, Swastika symbol and wording, including "NSDAP."
Nazi Party Dues Stamp 1944 18.90RM
Price: $14.95
VF NH. Nazi Party dues stamp for three months membership. Embossed Nazi Party Eagle, Swastika symbol and wording, including "NSDAP." Overprinted for 1944 use.
Nazi Party Dues Stamp 1944 21.90RM
Price: $19.95
VF NH. Nazi Party dues stamp for three months membership. Embossed Nazi Party Eagle, Swastika symbol and wording, including "NSDAP." Overprinted "1944"
Nazi Party Dues Stamp 1943 24.90RM
Price: $14.95
VF NH. Nazi Party dues stamp paying for one-quarter year membership. Overprinted "1943." Nazi Party Eagle, Swastika symbol and wording, including "NSDAP".
Block of four Available, order four.
Nazi Party Dues 1944 "NSDAP" 24.90 Reich Marks
Price: $24.95
VF NH. Nazi Party dues stamp paying for one-quarter year membership. Overprinted "1944." Nazi Party Eagle, Swastika symbol and wording, including "NSDAP". Very Scarce, High Denomination.
Nazi Party Dues 1944 "NSDAP" 30.90 Reich Marks
Price: $24.95
VF NH. Nazi Party dues stamp paying for one-quarter year membership. Overprinted "1944." Nazi Party Eagle, Swastika symbol and wording, including "NSDAP". Very Scarce, High Denomination.
Nazi Party Dues Stamp 1943 36.90RM
Price: $22.95
VF no gum. Nazi Party dues stamp for three months membership. Embossed Nazi Party Eagle, Swastika symbol and wording, including "NSDAP." Overprinted "1943"
Nazi Party Dues Stamp 1944 36.90RM
Price: $24.95
VF NH. Nazi Party dues stamp for three months membership. Embossed Nazi Party Eagle, Swastika symbol and wording, including "NSDAP." Overprinted "1944" Very high value.
Nazi Party Dues Stamp 1943 45.90RM
Price: $35.00
VF NH. Nazi Party dues stamp for three months membership. Embossed Nazi Party Eagle, Swastika symbol and wording, including "NSDAP." Overprinted "1943" Very high value. Unlisted.
Nazi Party Dues Stamp 1944 45.90RM
Price: $29.95
VF no gum. Nazi Party dues stamp for three months membership. Embossed Nazi Party Eagle, Swastika symbol and wording, including "NSDAP." Overprinted "1944" Very high value. Unlisted.
Nazi Party Dues Stamp 1943 10.80 RM
Price: $18.95
VF nogum. Nazi Party dues stamp for half year membership.
Embossed Nazi Party Eagle, Swastika symbol and wording,
including "NSDAP." Overprinted "1944"
Nazi Party Dues Stamp 1944 19.80RM
Price: $14.95
VF NH. Nazi Party dues stamp for half-year membership.
Embossed Nazi Party Eagle, Swastika symbol and wording,
including "NSDAP." Overprinted "1944" <br>
Nazi Party Dues Stamp 1944 25.80RM
Price: $19.95
VF NH. Nazi Party dues stamp for half year membership. Embossed Nazi Party Eagle, Swastika symbol and wording, including "NSDAP." Overprinted "1944" Block of 4 available, order 4.
Nazi Party Dues Stamp 1944 27.60 RM
Price: $19.95
VF NH. Nazi Party dues stamp for full year membership. Light Blue, Emerald Green, Medium Format. Embossed Nazi Party Eagle, Swastika symbol and wording, including "NSDAP." Overprinted "1944." Very Scarce, Lowest value for yearly dues. Block of 4 available, order 4.
Block of four Available, order four.
Nazi Party Dues 1943 "NSDAP" 30.90 Reich Marks
Price: $9.95
FVF NH. Nazi Party dues stamp paying for one-quarter year membership. Overprinted "1943." Nazi Party Eagle, Swastika symbol and wording, including "NSDAP". Very Scarce, High Denomination. Stamp has light diagonal crease.
Nazi Party Dues Stamp 1944 31.80RM
Price: $24.95
VF NH. Nazi Party dues stamp for half year membership.
Embossed Nazi Party Eagle, Swastika symbol
and wording, including "NSDAP." Overprinted "1944"
Nazi Party Dues Stamp 1944 37.80RM
Price: $19.95
VF NH. Nazi Party dues stamp for half year membership. Embossed Nazi Party Eagle, Swastika symbol and wording, including "NSDAP." Overprinted "1944"
Nazi Party Dues Stamp 1944 39.60 RM
Price: $19.95
VF NH. Nazi Party dues stamp for full year membership. Light Blue, Large Format. Embossed Nazi Party Eagle, Swastika symbol and wording, including "NSDAP." Overprinted "1944" Very Scarce, Unlisted. Block of 4 available, order 4.
Block of four Available, order four.
Nazi Party Dues Stamp 1944 49.80RM
Price: $19.95
VF NH. Nazi Party dues stamp for half year membership. Embossed Nazi Party Eagle, Swastika symbol and wording, including "NSDAP." Overprinted "1944"
Block of four Available, order four.